LOCK the doors when you can't PREACH against SIN!!!
LOCK the doors when you can't PREACH HELL is REAL,HOT AND ETERNAL!!!
LOCK the door when you can't PREACH HOLINESS!!!
LOCK the door when you won't STAND UP for RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!
LOCK the doors when you feel that it's better to be QUIET than to SPEAK OUT over WICKEDNESS!!!
LOCK the door when GOD'S SPIRIT no longer moves!!!
LOCK the doors when you need ROCK MUSIC for the youth!!!
LOCK the door when you can't PASTOR your church because of the DEACONS!!!
LOCK the doors when SIN REIGNS in your LIFE and in the LIFE of YOUR FLOCK!!!
LOCK the doors when your SCARED of the DEVIL!!!
LOCK the doors when you FEAR MEN!!!
LOCK the door when you don't BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD!!!
LOCK the door when the ALTAR is just CHURCH FURNITURE!!!
LOCK the door when you don't CRY for your people anymore!!!
LOCK the door when there is no more FIRE in your SERMONS!!!
LOCK the door when the OFFERINGS is more important than a MANS SOUL!!!
LOCK the door PREACHER if you can't KEEP GOD'S HOUSE CLEAN!!!
Oh! God would rather you shut it down before you let SATAN ruin his house!!